Our Programs

We have a box of pandora to transform yourself

Transformation Training and Coaching Programs

It entails assisting individuals in improving themselves and their lives through the implementation of necessary changes. Rather than altering your behaviour, as with transformational training events, we work on altering your perception of yourself. This helps you to alter your self-image or your perceptions of your limitations.

Why Is It Necessary to Receive Transformational Training or Coaching?

Failure to realize one's dreams can have a profoundly negative effect on a person. A person who believes they have not accomplished all of their life goals will frequently feel disappointed, frustrated, and possibly depressed. On the other hand, achieving our dreams and witnessing them come true has the polar opposite effect. Individuals who achieve their dreams typically experience greater happiness and fulfilment in life. We assist individuals in transforming themselves and their lives into what is best for them.


  1. Life Transformation -A Holistic Approach
  2. Master your brain: Neuroscience for Self-Transformation
  3. Paradigm Shift: How Re-defining can make you happier and successful
  4. Personal Development and Personal Transformation blueprint


  1. Angel Therapy and Angel Healing– Basic & Advance
  2. Angels, fairies and Spirit guides
  3. Magic Code
  4. How to read Tarot cards
  5. Numerology: Power of Numbers
  6. How to read Akashic Records
  7. How to read Crystal Balls
  8. Past Life Regression
  9. Crystal therapy, Prediction Mastery, Animal Totem

Spiritual Training and Coaching Programs

These courses are designed to assist you in transcending any previous limitations to connect with your higher purpose. This form of training and coaching assists you in discovering and embracing your true self by tuning into your spiritual journey. As a spiritual trainer and coach, we would assist you in discovering the intrinsic worth of life, as well as the purpose and meaning of your existence.

As a spiritual life coach, we'll assist clients in transforming themselves as they:

• Reconnect with the divine within.
• Acquire a firm grasp of their purpose and fundamental desires.
• Develop their self-esteem, personal power, and abilities.
• Assert their right to create the lives they desire.
• Eliminate any subconscious barriers and impediments.
• Harness the transformative power of gratitude in your life.
• Pursue a career that is aligned with your purpose and passion.
• Attract wealth and prosperity.
• Attract a supportive partner into a loving soulmate relationship.
• Transform your health and achieve a body you adore.
• Live a fulfilling lifestyle that you look forward to waking up to.

An Abundance Mindset Training and Coaching Programs

The Abundance Training Programs are a life-changing experience in which you will let go of struggle and scarcity and emerge with the freedom and passion necessary to create the abundance you desire for yourself and the world. These programs will teach you how to create a life filled with joy and abundance, how to eliminate limiting beliefs and patterns, and how to master the techniques necessary for living more fully.

Why Is It Necessary ?

• Gain an understanding of the Spiritual Laws of Abundance and how to apply them to your own life in order to increase your freedom, prosperity, and joy.
• Recognize and overcome the most prevalent thought patterns and self-limiting beliefs that are impeding your progress
• Become proficient in simple, step-by-step processes for cultivating an inner state of Abundance and increasing your prosperity
• Establish a connection with your five senses and use them to assist you in altering negative thought patterns.
• Create your own abundance plan to assist you in staying on track following the workshop.


  1. Abundance Limitless
  2. Program Your Subconscious Mind for Wealth & Abundance


  1. Mindfulness crash course
  2. Mindfulness Intensive

Mindfulness Training and Coaching Programs

Mindfulness has aided in the transformation of our lives and those of our clients.
As a matter of fact, approximately 50% of our daily habits are unconscious repetitive actions... it's difficult to effect change in a client who is stuck on autopilot, living in the past, or self-sabotaging with negative self-talk, overwhelming thoughts, and emotions. To effectively bring about lasting change and happiness, you must learn how to regain control of their mind, emotions, and decisions through mindfulness. And you can only do this if you are present in the moment and able to observe your thoughts and emotions clearly. Mindfulness practices are the keys to achieving self-awareness, focus, concentration, emotional self-control, mental clarity, and the capacity for transformational change. Nobody can be effective if they are constantly distracted from their dreams by their monkey mind, which causes stress and anxiety.

Why you should attend?

• Control your monkey mind
• Reduce burnout and stress
• Control negative emotions
• Increase your enjoyment of life
• Develop emotional intelligence
• Enhance self-compassion and interpersonal empathy
• Become more resilient

Conscious Creation Training & Coaching Programs

Conscious creation is the deliberate act of attempting to create the life you desire. It does, however, go deeper than simply changing your life. Conscious creation, on the other hand, refers to the act of creating one's own reality. One of the tenets of conscious creation is that each of us has a unique reality that no one else can know or truly comprehend. And that each of us has the ability to shape our reality however we wish.

We impart knowledge through our programs.

• How to reassert your ability to create your own reality
• How to overcome limiting beliefs that act as impediments to conscious creation
• Two critical paths to conscious creation
• Using Quantum Mechanics and the Law of Attraction to manifest your reality
• Gain an understanding of How consciousness creates your realities.


  1. Learn Law of Attraction in a Week
  2. 10 days program in Conscious creation
  3. Learn how Consciousness creates the reality
  4. Manifesting Mastery with Neville Godard

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